Disclaimers and Context

Don’t take any of this too seriously. I’ll try to revise posts so they are up to date with my current thoughts and opinions but this is not guaranteed. Expect most of the posts to be fairly organic and to change somewhat after first posting, as I want the barrier of motivation for writing posts to be low.

A lot of the blog posts will be philosophical in nature, but I have no formal education as a philosopher and I do not claim to be one. However, I think philosophy is one of those things that everyone should take more of an interest in. It doesn’t have to be about studying philosophers of the past (though I highly recommend doing so), just about thinking about the world around us, and our place in it. This blog serves as my outlet for those thoughts, no matter how terrible they might be ;)

If you’re reading something on here and you think “this is stupid and/or ridiculous” I’d love to hear from you and there’s a good chance you’re right. Comments and other cool things may be added at some point, if/when I get the time.
